
The beginning

Sometime in 2006 I concluded that the Internet has become a place dense with useless information. The growing contribution of random people with random information makes it less and less useful. To speed this process I started making my own contributions. So far it hasn't been anything spectacular, but as of this summer (year 2011) I've made the conscious decision to increase my input. The fancy camera will help me increase greatly the input towards producing a lamer page. You visitor are most welcome to spend your time here looking at the various contributions I make.

So by all means go ahead; take your time from life and look at what *I* have to offer!

But fear not visitor... my welcome article will reveal further universal truths, so don't forget to come back and read again!

The guideline

To show you around

The gallery

The definition of art... or in other words me in action with my camera. And of course a detailed explanation so that you can make your own version of that photo.